Working Days & Timings:
Monday to Friday : 900 hrs to 1730 hrs.
Public Holidays : 900 hrs to 1300 hrs
Saturday, Sunday and National Holidays : Closed
Faculty & Staff of CIRT Participants, Institutional Members and M. Tech Students.
Reference : In house, Telephone queries, local network
Indexing : Since 2001 all Transport & Management articles are indexed. Search is possible – Author, title, KWIC, Subject - wise.
Abstracting : Abstracting of articles and books is undertaken since 2001.
Photocopying : Provided @ Rs.4/- per page.
Institutional Membership : Proforma of Application Form
Net Search : In-house, for assisting faculty & Scientists On request on a given subject print-out / copies on request
Bhosari, Pune – 411026
Please enroll my / our Institutional Membership for using the Library Services. I / We assure you that
I / We will abide by all the rules and regulations of CIRT Library while availing the facility.
The names of the personnel who would interact for the loan of books are:
Sr. No. Name. Designation. Signature. 01. 02.
The amount of Rs. 5000/- (Rupees Five thousand only) is paid vide DD no._____________________________ dated _______________________towards Institutional Membership Deposit.Date :
Books and Journals On
Sign :
Name :
Address :
CIRT Library
Inst. Member No :
Receipt No :
Receipt Date :
Sr. Lib./ A. S. (Lib)
- Transport
- Management
- Automobile Engineering
- Computer Science
- Fuel Science
- General
- Standards on
- Auto. Engineering – Components
- Quality Management
Further details can be obtained from: Librarian/Supdt (Library)
- Borrowing facility {books / standards / journals},apart from regular members is extended to Participants, Institutional Members and Students of M.Tech. course
- Late– fee @ Rs. 1.00/- per day per book and standard is applicable to all the readers.
- Number of books / journals to be issued on loan and period for which to be issued to different category of members is restricted.
- Double the cost of the book is recovered from the user in case the book is lost/ damaged.
- Latest issue of the journal, issue of National Geographic magazine and Reference Books are only for reference in the library.
- Photocopying facility is provided @ Rs. 4.00 per page.
- Library is open for reference {study and photocopy} to the students and visitors from the industries. The visitors are required to pay Rs. 50/- per day as Visitor – fee and the students are required to pay Rs. 20/- per day on producing a letter of introduction from the college /institution.
Librarian/Supdt (Library)
Central Institute of Road Transport
Pune –Nasik road
Bhosari, Pune – 411 026 india.
Tel.: 020-67345300 Ext. 506
Fax: 020-67345407